It’s like someone pressed a giant reset button for society, and as a result, slates filled with endless carpooling and errand running, and too many late nights at the office, were wiped clean and repopulated with the things that really matter to the individual at hand.
We’ve all learned lessons as a result, and perhaps changed our behavior and set new priorities for the coming months and years. It is our sincere hope that among these new priorities and goals, you’ve sprinkled in a few of these:
- Take time to exercise. Walk around the block after dinner, by yourself, a loved one or a pet.
- Say at least one kind thing to a stranger each day.
- Pay for the order of the car behind you in the drive-thru.
- Try a new recipe with an ingredient you’ve never used before.
- Reach out, by phone if possible, to a friend, relative or colleague you haven’t spoken to in a while, to see how they’re doing.
- Clean out a closet and donate what you don’t need to a local shelter.
- Take 10 minutes each day to quietly contemplate something.
- Look around your neighborhood. Is there someone you can help? If so, do it.
- Volunteer at a local animal shelter.
- Order take-out from a local restaurant.
- Schedule the routine doctor appointments you’ve put off because of COVID.
- Take time to talk to the young ones in your life. Lockdown was hard on them, and may still be.
- Try something you’ve never done before, like yoga, rock climbing, skateboarding, fishing.
- Make plans with loved ones and friends to do something you haven’t done before.
- Make a list of places to visit when the pandemic finally ends.
- Learn a new language to help you in those places you want to visit.
- Try a new craft. You’d be amazed at how relaxing it can be to focus fully on something that involves your hands and creative spirit.
- Listen to music, whether it’s a favorite old band that takes you back, a new band that your kids’ love, or a piece of classical music that gets into your soul.
- Consider planting a garden, and spend some time this winter thinking about it.
- Rediscover the beauty of a nap, in a hammock, on the couch, under a cozy blanket.
Whatever path your life takes in these coming months, our sincere hope for you is this: When the workday ends, may your off-hours be filled with the things that matter most to you.